Press Review
Tablets of Chanteroels

Culture and Genetics
The Philological Courier (August 2004)
To sum up the last transversalist seminar that had taken place in Val de Villé near the famous site “Les Chanteroels”, the conventioneers came to the troubling conclusion that if culture truly conveys transmission among men, then it’s never ending preparation, art, would consequently prolong and build the conscience that nature exists as raw instinct. Indeed, in her genes and in the sole purpose of surviving, Mother Nature evolves by way of slow and progressive mutations. Human beings transform physically. They grow legs, wings, fins, new ways of breathing, etc. As far as man is concerned, aside from temporarily loosing hairs and claws in spas, he can only evolve mentally and physically through the utilitarian extensions he creates. He adapts tools to follow his needs and necessities. Along with all the excess we are familiar with, comfort and eating habits do the rest. These tools consequently modify the environment in which man evolves thus changing the original criteria recorded in the codes of nature. In this environment, language, the medium of memory, is a universal code that also evolves by ruptures and rebounds. These multiple apprehensions enable the control and the constant questioning of a language’s conscience and logistic as well as its ability to accelerate the transmission process. In imitating the mechanisms of genetics, the function of culture may be that of propelling the human being outside his original mental and physical universe. Why so? So as to invade the whole universe? As far as the tablets are concerned, they may not be seen as transcripts in the academic sense of the word, but are mostly like a close interpretation or a transcript by omission. What does the text say? This text deals with itself and with us. It particularly expresses the subtle process of its own elaboration.