Press Review
Tablets of Chanteroels

From the pagan wall to the tablets of Chanteroels
Libres Nouvelles d’Alsace (December 18th 2001)
Alsace was already known for its archeological emblematic enigma: the pagan wall of the Mount Sainte-Odile. The hypotheses as regards the function and, mostly, the dating of this wall have been fueling debates for more than two centuries. The discovery of the tablets on the “Chanteroels” site, located approximately ten kilometeres as the crow flies from the Mount Sainte-Odile, has added on to the existing mystery. Is there a link between the two sites? It doesn’t seem so. Perhaps the investigations will enlighten us on the subject. Meanwhile, archeologists, archeographs and philologists from all over the world sometimes contradict one another when they cross paths on the site. The research continues to fuel the craziest interpretations (Atlantis, an extraterrestrial civilization…), but all this has already been heard of. Consequently, it is too early to state tangible truths. Meanwhile, the guest houses of the valley are always full. Therefore, somebody somewhere will be happy about it, for sure. As announced in the 10 October 2001 issue of our newspaper, the Chanteroels construction site was been suspended while waiting for a decision related to the discovery of the tablets. For the commune, the question was: what will become of the housing estate if the building permits happen to be taken away for the proper development of the dig? These fears were justified. On December 7th, the decision made by the highest authorities of the state came out: the permits have been cancelled for the entire surface area of the housing estate. An alteration of the land-use plan is now being undertaken. Anger is rising on the part of the purchasers of the plots, who do not want to hear anything about moving the construction site somewhere else. To be continued…